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What is a black wire in electrical? - Quora

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What did early versions of electrical wires look like? - Quora

What do wire color codes indicate in electrical wiring, and why is it important to follow them in installations? - Quora

Why are electrical cables black? - Quora

Why does an electric wire consist of a bunch of thin wires instead of one thick wire? - Quora

Why are there so many different types of electric wires, and what's the difference between them all (insulation, thickness, etc.)? What determines which type is used in each case? - Quora

Which terminals on this motor are positive and negative? - Quora

If the wires on my smartphone's charging cord are showing, can I still use it? - Quora

How to connect 3 electrical wires with only 2 terminals in a light socket - Quora

What standard colour codes apply to electrical wiring where you are? - Quora

In electronics, is black negative or positive? - Quora

Does it matter which wire goes where on a breaker? - Quora

What is RYB in electricity? - Quora

How does an electrician determine which wires go where on a switch box with multiple switches and outlets connected to each other by only black and white wires? - Quora

Why is the ground wire bare? Would that risk a fatal shock to someone? - Quora

Can a red wire be used instead of black? - Quora